Expert Coders

Expert Coders

State-Of-The-Art Software Development

"The software you built has made mud logging less stressful, enjoyable and flat out easy!" -Customer


Mike Cunningham


While the showcased projects offer a glimpse into my expertise and capabilities, it's worth noting that they represent just a fraction of my entire body of work. Over the years, I've undertaken a multitude of other projects, each addressing unique challenges and sectors. I invite interested parties to reach out for a more exhaustive insight into my diverse portfolio.

Pressure Cycling System Automation Web Application

Developed a Pressure Cycling System Automation solution featuring a simplified web application with real-time data viewing. Created a user-friendly interface with basic password protection,  basic historical data storage/display, and fundamental sensor calibration. Completed server-side development, web application creation, hardware assembly, and testing within a 4-week timeframe. Delivered a streamlined, functional solution meeting the client's specific requirements for pressure cycling automation, providing essential features for monitoring, data storage, and calibration.

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AI-Driven Maintenance Extractor and Scheduler: Streamlining Operations

Engineered an AI-driven system using Large Language Models and Retrieval-Augmented Generation to transform equipment maintenance processes. The system intelligently processes 100+ page manuals, performs automated maintenance item extraction and database population, and enables dynamic schedule generation. This project drastically reduces manual data entry, improves maintenance efficiency, ensures timely equipment upkeep, centralizes maintenance information, and increases operational reliability.

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Proprietary Stock Analysis Tool

I crafted a comprehensive stock evaluation program, harnessing data from the GuruFocus API complemented by targeted web scraping techniques. At its culmination, the tool generates an insightful report, providing a straightforward thumbs up/down verdict on the stock's investment viability. Due to its proprietary nature, further details remain confidential.

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Advanced Pavement Monitoring Solution

Implemented a sophisticated system to monitor pavement thickness, temperature, width, and length in real-time as it's being laid by the paver. Utilizing proprietary sensors and methodologies, this solution ensures meticulous adherence to quality and dimensional specifications, promoting the longevity and consistency of road surfaces.

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Backflow Company Management Suite

Designed a comprehensive management software tailored for backflow companies. This tool streamlines workflow processes, tracks equipment status, and oversees technician tasks, ensuring optimized operations and enhanced service delivery in the backflow industry.

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Legal Lead Discovery Scraper

Engineered a web scraping utility tailored for attorneys, meticulously sifting through online platforms to identify and collate potential client leads, facilitating targeted outreach and client acquisition for legal professionals.

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WITS Data Streamer for HP Chromatograph

Crafted a specialized tool to integrate and stream data from an HP Chromatograph using the WITS protocol. This solution ensures seamless data transmission, allowing for real-time analysis and improved operational insights in chromatographic processes.

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Carrier Dispatch Management Platform

Developed a web application streamlined for efficient truck and carrier dispatching. The platform facilitates optimized routing, real-time tracking, and seamless communication between dispatchers, drivers, and brokers, ensuring timely and organized operations.

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Automotive Paint Booth Monitoring & Control Suite

Initiated an ESP32-based solution to oversee an automotive paint booth's functions, including filter cleanliness and various booth components. Integrated with a dedicated web application, this system enables remote, real-time tracking and oversight, ensuring peak operational efficiency and maintenance.

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Home Health Care Operations Suite

Designed a proprietary software and web application tailored to optimize and simplify the workflows of Home Health Care agencies, driving efficiency across all facets of their operations.

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C# Drilling Software Overhaul

Revamped and modernized Oil/Gas drilling monitoring solution, transitioning its foundation to away from DaqFactory to C#. This refinement optimized the software's performance and scalability while preserving its essential functionalities.

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Handshake Domain Node Analysis Tool (Crypto)

Devised a software that delves into the Handshake blockchain, pinpointing domains nearing expiration. In addition to this core functionality, the tool offers an array of features by leveraging the API furnished by Handshake, enhancing domain management and insights.

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Real-time Conveyor Count System with XBee & Arduino

Designed a solution to tally items across several conveyor belts, utilizing XBee radios for wireless count transmission to an Arduino Uno collector. This Arduino relayed counts through a cellular modem via HTTP requests to a server. Subsequently, plant stakeholders could access a dedicated web portal, viewing these counts live.

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Twitter-Driven Stock Analysis Tool

Crafted a unique application harnessing the Twitter API, Wall Street Journal insights, and past stock values to pinpoint potential stock investments. While I'm bound to retain the comprehensive methodology confidential, this robust tool adeptly manages a vast data spectrum.

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Used Vehicle Marketplace Platform

Leveraging Python and Flask, I engineered a digital platform tailored for vehicle dealerships. The site presented vehicle listings, granting authenticated users access to detailed imagery and specifications. Additionally, users could engage with dealers online, gauge proximity to the dealership, and filter vehicle searches based on desired criteria. Reporting functionalities were also integrated for enhanced utility.

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Electrical Submersible Pump Analysis Tool

Devised a SCADA-powered interface for evaluating electrical submersible pumps. Beyond core machine operations, the software interconnected with a MySQL database I architected, housing current pump tests alongside manufacturer's optimal efficiencies. Through a graphical interface, the software juxtaposed real-time pressure and power curves against standard curves, offering precise pump efficiency insights.

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Drilling Rig Monitoring Solution

Crafted a software suite to actively track metrics like depth, lag depth, and pump activities, inclusive of three distinct pumps. The system also managed gas measurements, chromatography, and on/off bottom statuses. Integrated with WITS Level 0 standards, the software not only facilitated live operations with dynamic graphing features but also liaised with other onsite systems, sourcing data from instruments I personally designed.

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